Team looking at computer screens in indoor room with red lighting

Institute of Applied Technology

Providing expert advice for a new form of tertiary education in New South Wales.

The Institute of Applied Technology (IAT) model was established by a review commissioned by the NSW Government that aimed to identify opportunities to ensure NSW remains nationally and internationally competitive, and that vocational training is regarded as a genuine and desirable option for school leavers. The IAT is an entirely new form of tertiary education that will deliver curriculums designed in collaboration with industry and focused on the state’s emerging labour market needs.

The APP Group was engaged by TAFE NSW to provide expert strategic and commercial advice for two pilot IATs — a Digital IAT located in Meadowbank and a Construction IAT located in Springwood. Our role included providing strategic advice for the collaboration agreement and partner negotiations, structuring and planning the commercial model, and developing business cases for funding assistance. We also conducted a construction market gap study to identify existing and emerging skills shortages.

The IAT concept was designed to deliver higher education and industry relevant courses that blend cutting edge technical skills with practical experience. By providing shorter form courses, the IAT model enables students to better mix study with their other commitments and allows them to stack courses for a more flexible education experience.

Sydney, New South Wales
Project status
Completed in 2023
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