Town Hall Hotel

Refurbishing a local favourite hotel in built in the late 1800s.

In 1999 The APP Group was appointed Project Manager for the redevelopment of the high-profile Town Hall Hotel in central Balmain. The new hotel needed a substantial upgrade to reflect the quality and service philosophy of TransMedia Group while retaining the historic qualities and local feel which made the hotel unique. The bottleshop also had to be kept operational throughout the extensive renovation, and the period of closure due to construction had to be minimised. 

The refurbished hotel now comprises of an upmarket public bar including amenities and gaming facilities, conversion of the residential areas into a lounge style bar and restaurant, a newly constructed first floor balcony, and fully refurbished back of house and office areas.

Our skills and experience on similar projects at The APP Group ensured that high-risk issues were managed, tight deadlines were met, a staged construction program to facilitate the ongoing operation of the facility was conducted and sensitive authority approvals and stakeholder consultation was completed.

TransMedia Group
Balmain, New South Wales
Project status
Completed in 2000
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