Upgrading security at local Airport in Newcastle.
Newcastle Airport caters to all major domestic airlines and connects to 12 destinations across Australia. The airport contributes to the economic growth of businesses and tourism in the Hunter region. Newcastle Airport was required to upgrade its baggage security to comply with the Department of Home Affairs’ security requirements due to its sustained growth in passenger numbers.
The APP Group was engaged by Newcastle Airport as Project Managers for the security screening upgrade. Our team provided strategic advisory and procurement services which included exploring design options to maximise space and reduce constraints for stakeholders, and installing the latest technology with dual checked baggage screening, CT X-rays, and full body scanners. The technology does not require passengers to remove laptops, liquids, or aerosols from their baggage or be tested for explosives. This speeds up the security and check-in process for passengers.
Newcastle Airport was the first airport to be fully compliant with the new mandatory aviation security screening requirements which include checked baggage and passenger and cabin baggage security screening checkpoints. There is strengthened overall aviation security and higher customer satisfaction as screening is faster, less invasive, and more streamlined when a potential hazard is identified.