Creating a new waterfront outlook and public space for Callan Park.
Greater Sydney Parklands manages 38 hectares of Callan Park in Sydney’s Inner West including waterfront and central park areas. In 2021, the NSW Government announced funding for a revitalisation project along the waterfront at Callan Park, known as Waterfront Green. The site is culturally significant and is the traditional land of the Gadigal and Wangal peoples of the Eora nation.
The APP Group was appointed to deliver strategic planning and project management for the projects at Callan Park. The landscape design plan by Tyrell Studio intends to reveal and celebrate the local Indigenous heritage, culture and stories embedded within the parklands.
The new waterfront park will include new trees, accessible pathways to the water, picnic facilities and accessible public amenities. Car parking will shift away from the waterfront, and pedestrians and cyclists will have separate paths along the Bay Run, a popular 7km loop around Sydney’s Inner West.
Waterfront Green is expected to be completed by the end of 2023.