Providing safer and more efficient road connectivity for Townsville and North Queensland.
The Townsville Ring Road, also known as the Douglas Arterial Road, is a motorway that was built to bypass the inner metropolitan area of Townsville. The motorway was built in four stages with the first stage completed in 2005. A fifth stage was recently added to duplicate the motorway in Thuringowa and was completed in 2023. The project aims to reduce travel times for travellers through North Queensland as well as improve road safety for motorists, freight operators and residents of Townsville.
The APP Group delivered Technical Services for a 7km stretch of motorway linking the first stage of the Townsville Ring Road with stages two and three; Riverway Drive in Condon and Shaw Road in Bohle Plains. Construction procedures and methodologies were reviewed by a Senior Project Engineer to support the upgrade and road widening, as well as the installation of precast drainage structures, traffic signal intersections and turning lanes.
Additional Project Management services included reviewing contractor management systems before work commenced, assessing ongoing variation claims, and working with the designer and contractor to rectify any design issues. The team were also tasked with ensuring daily safety and traffic requirements were met.